Private training 3+ persons at your home, business, church.....
***I will conduct 2 persons at a slightly higher rate of $100 each ***
Three class options are available according to your needs:
1. Complete LTC course which includes class training, required state certification paperwork of completion and subsequent firearms qualifications the same day.
2. Classroom training, required state certification of completion paperwork with the option of firearm qualifications within 2 years.
3. The required for LTC Classroom education which is an in depth seminar covering Texas use of force, self defense and defense of others, as well as property and MUCH more!
In 2022 a US Federal Judge ruled over Texas law that prevented Citizens 18-20 year old's from obtaining their License To Carry. This resulted in as of January 1st 2023, Texas citizens may now obtain their LTC just as the 21 and up. This still requires the Texas application and fingerprinting, along with the classroom and handgun qualifications.
*** PLEASE parents of, and those in this age group VET ANY of the instructors you chose to use. I have been in law enforcement since 1990 as both a street cop and an investigator. I have been involved in shootings as well as the investigation of hundreds! I specialize in USE OF FORCE and explaining the differences in the written laws and how they are actually applied. There is often a BIG DIFFERENCE that can cause charges to be filed and/or arrested.
Although I am a 2nd amendment advocate, I highly encourage EVERYONE that choses to carry a handgun, take the time to learn the laws covering when you can and cannot use the handgun. Texas has a statute that basically states "Ignorance of the law is NO DEFENSE" This falls upon each individual to know the laws. In this new option for 18-20. It is a MUST to make sure the instructor has an in depth knowledge of the laws and not someone that simply went through the minimum of becoming an 'instructor'. Although there are many great civilian instructors, Nothing beats experience!!
This class covers Criminal and Civil liabilities for your actions, the NUMEROUS BENEFITS that LTC carriers have over permit-less carry, including places LTC Carriers can carry that permit-less cannot, defense of prosecution and /or exemptions from arrest in some instances covering LTC Carriers that is NOT offered to permit-less carry.
This information is common sense necessity to anyone that wants to carry a handgun.
In this Texas LTC (License To Carry) a handgun in Texas you will be instructed on:
Statutes governing Use of Force (Chapter 9 Penal code).
Safe storage of firearms.
Interactions with Peace Officers in traffics stops and other events.
De-escalation and avoidance.
Necessity involving use of force.
Threat of force vs Use of force.
Basic concepts and use of handguns, safety.
'Stand your ground" requirements.
Police protocols in use of force with citizens.
What you must do in an event as well as recommendations (as a peace officer)
Liabilities, both Criminal and Civil
I provide FAR more civil and criminal statutes to enhance your confidence when it comes time to use the necessary force to protect yourself, family and others.
Evening Classes are available Monday-Saturday.
This is a class certification and qualifications can be any other day you chose.
This options is $60 for classroom and $35 Firearms qualifications at later date if conducted through FiveO
These course classes are private classes conducted at your home, businesses, churches or other venues.
If you have a larger group and cannot accommodate the seating, I can do this at no extra charge at a local restaurant.
Course fee is $85 per student and this includes your range fee.
Class times are open to your schedule and convenience any day except Sundays <><